How to Eliminate Screwdriver On Blogger default templates - usually the sign is located on the widget bloggers who still use the default template blogger or blogspot. This picture can sometimes make us less comfortable with tersebut.Banyak templates users who are troubled by the icon pliers and screwdriver.
When first we publish articles or postings, this mark will appear on the bottom of the widget blogger. Sometimes we change their templates as well as downloads. This can be done by hiding the icon actually sign tersebut.Fungsi helpful to edit widgets on the blog without having to go to your blog dashboard.
Besides this icon will only be visible by the blog owner. Visitors will not see this icon pliers and screwdriver. We just need to insert CSS in the blog template that we use. We use the following CSS:
.quickedit {display: none; }
Put the CSS code in the top right above the code ]]> </ b: skin>
How to Eliminate Screwdriver On Blogger Default Template :
- Login Blogger
- Select Template Blog
- Press CTRL + F
- Search ]]> </ b: skin>
- Put CSS .quickedit {display: none; } on
- Save
If the above does not work, then use the second way:
Sign in to your blog dashboard > click the " Template " > click " Edit HTML "
Press CTRL + F and find this code in your blog template:
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
Remove the code all the code, this will not affect the performance of your blog.
Thank you