Donald Trump Dress Oval Office with gold curtains

Donald Trump Dress Oval Office with gold curtains
White House Oval Office
Anews - Workspaces US president at the White House or the White House has now been occupied by the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. The work space was known as the Oval Office. Since Trump occupy this space, it appears some decor changes there.

The first visible change is the curtain. At the time of the previous president, Barrack Obama, occupies that space, curtain installed in the window is red. Now, after the Trump formally served as the US President, the curtains in the oval room was replaced with gold-colored curtains.

Trump and his family is known like the color of gold. It appears from the penthouse they live in Trump Tower, New York. Interior residence Trump, Melania, and her baby was warm shades, with a predominance of gold, beige, and added a touch of French style decoration in the 18th century.

Trump is not the first pick curtain gold color to the Oval Office. Curtain gold color has also been selected then, US president Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Just like other presidents, Trump and decorators space also replace the carpet with a new Oval Office.

Currently Trump put gold colored carpet with threads around the edges. Apparently, the carpet was similar or even the same as those once used by the 40th US President Ronald Reagan. Word got out that Trump has issued a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office.

Reporting from Elledecor, Trump does not remove the statue, but just move it from one side to the other. In addition, Trump also put a statue of Winston Churchill, back into the Oval Office, Obama laid earlier because the statue somewhere else.

He also maintains the Resolute Desk, which is work desk Princess Victoria Award for the 19th US President Rutherford B. Hayes. The White House Historical Association, said the president's family was given $ 100,000 to redecorate the Oval Office and his residence in the White House.

Trump said, do not yet know whether it will use it to change the Oval Office and his residence, but based on an interview with people, Trump said he would dress up a bit of his new space.