NSF - Lemon or lime wedges is a shrub that produces fruit that usually have a sour or acidic flavor. This plant has many benefit for human health, as well as the fruit used, exploited the leaves are green or yellow.
The benefits of lime are very much at all, such as to the health of our skin, usually used as a spice in the kitchen as relieving the stench of fish. Can consumption as fresh drinks, and moreover, lime can be used to treat cough in children and adults.
How to treat cough with lemon is easy, and the way treatment is 100% natural. You only need to express wild lime on the glass, and then mix the soy sauce to taste, stirring until mixture of lemon juice with soy sauce Afterwards Drinks at patients cough.
Treatment in this manner is highly recommended for women who are pregnant because treatment of cough with lemon is very far from chemicals, so it will not cause excessive the side-effects.
Lemon contains more vitamin C than other citrus fruits. Besides being used for flavoring food lime can cure many diseases, among other things, Hemorrhoid, tonsil, Cough, Cough with influenza, body odor, kidney stones, diphtheria, fever, Irregular menstruation, acne, sore throat, high blood pressure, toothache , Pegel rheumatic pain, sprain.