C10H14N2 nicotine or alkaloid is an organic compound, which generally consists of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen sometimes. This alkaloid chemical compound has a strong effect and is a stimulant to the human body. Nicotine is an addictive substance that affects the nerves and blood circulation. This substance is a carcinogen, and is able to trigger lung cancer is deadly. Nicotine can be isolated or separated from the tobacco plant.
However, people usually do not consume nicotine in the form of pure substances, but indirectly when they smoke. Nicotine inhaled during smoking can cause increased heart rate and blood pressure, carcinogenic so that it can increase the risk of developing lung cancer, brittle legs, cataracts, lung bubbles widened (emphysema), the risk of coronary heart disease, infertility, and interruption of pregnancy.
Effects of Nicotine
- Nicotine can influence and change the function of the brain and body. Nicotine makes the smoker feel relaxed and kemuadian feel more energetic and vibrant, or vice versa. This effect is commonly known as biphase effect. Unfortunately, the more a person smokes, the more feel addicted and also increased the dose that we will use.
- When someone smoked a cigarette, nicotine is absorbed in the body (blood), lacks the release of adrenaline and pemblokade's hormone insulin. Adrenaline is a hormone known as "Fight or Flight". If you love horror movies, or very like the roller-coaster, certainly very familiar with the effects of adrenaline, which also would experience when smoking: very fast heartbeat, Increased blood pressure, pull the heavy and fast breathing.
- Adrenaline is released when our bodies will release the reserves of glucose into the blood. Then, insulin will instruct the body's cells to absorb excess glucose in the blood. This effect is often referred to as hyperglycaemic, namely high blood sugar levels. This is the reason why when smoking, a person does not feel hungry and be resistant to not eat for hours. More common are underweight compared to smokers who are overweight smokers.
- In the long term, Nicotine may increase cholesterol levels in the blood, resulting in the smoker, even after a long stop smoking, very prone to heart attacks and strokes. This is as a result of damage to the arteries in the blood, which is one of its functions, circulate oxygen throughout the body.
- In the brain, as a response to nicotine, the brain will tell the body to make more endorphin substance. Endorphin is a protein compound that is more accurately described as the body's natural pain killer. Endorphins chemical structure is not much different from the upscale painkiller like morphine. Endorhpin can make a person feel relaxed and euphoria.
- Sometimes, smoking (endorphins) can stimulate your sex. For example, when a woman is having sex with smoked a cigarette, with reasons to smoke cigarettes if she would feel hotter and more exciting the opponent sex.
That some of the effects of nicotine. I hope this article can be considered us to stop smoking. Really very difficult to quit smoking, but there is actually a key stop smoking on the smoker. Do not give up to quit smoking. Always try and try to continue.
Thank you for reading our article "Understanding Nicotine Substances and Effects"